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This system represents an automation solution for three jobs in our customer’s company. It consists of three combined systems. For the first step, a rebar catcher was constructed, which catches the individual rebars after the bending process in order to make them available to the subsequent rebar manipulator.
This manipulator is required to grip the rebars in the next step and place them on a stacking manipulator and moves on a track system sunk into the ground. With the help of the stack manipulator, stacks of a total of 30 rebars are now packaged in order to prepare them for transport. These packages are then placed on a conveyor line (hinged belt conveyor) in order to automatically convey them in the direction of the storage area.
- Number of stirrups per bundle (catching system): Max. 5 pieces
- Basket width (convertible): 90 - 200 mm
- Catch and decrease height: 1150 mm
- Conveyor speed: 30 mm/sek.